this is not a political blog

but I cannot let her passing go unremarked.

Yesterday even the Guardian devoted 15 pages, plus the centre spread and a separate 16 page supplement to Margaret Thatcher. The usual suspects on the right wing tabloids were, predictably, particularly revisionist and swivel eyed. We are in danger of letting the death of one ex prime minister push real news analysis and comment onto the back burner. Worse, the revisionist theses may start to take root. A state funeral (which Thatcher herself apparently argued against) would only add to the lunacy.

I’m with Ken Loach who was quoted today as saying “How should we honour her? Let’s privatise her funeral. Put it out to competitive tender and accept the cheapest bid. It’s what she would have wanted.”

And let’s give management of the exercise to Capita and security control to G4S.

Everything will be fine.

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