October 2010 archive

google opt out village

The Onion News Network reports: This is not satire……

Permanent link to this article: https://baldric.net/2010/10/09/google-opt-out-village/

maybe I should sell

I have been exploring the InTrust Domain Names website I mentioned in the previous post. There are some absolutely astonishing prices quoted for some domains which do not immediately spring to mind as being particularly valuable. For example, the domain falldaron.com is quoted at $10000000.00. If you actually click on that domain name you are …

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Permanent link to this article: https://baldric.net/2010/10/09/maybe-i-should-sell/

domain sales pitch

In the past couple of days I have received some amusing email spam. I own ten different domain names, mostly in the .net TLD. The spam emails in question all offered to sell me the domain “exnic.com” on the grounds that I already own “exnic.net” (not an unreasonable sales pitch). It turns out that this …

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Permanent link to this article: https://baldric.net/2010/10/09/domain-sales-pitch/