wild xenomanic yiddish zebu

This post is an experiment. I have noticed from my logs that several different search engines index this blog. Ironically, the indexing has sometimes given me a little trouble when I have been searching for topics of interest to me (such as fixing the sony memory stick problem on my AAO) and my search returns my own blog as one of the answers.

So I thought I’d try to find out how quickly I could get a uniquely high rank in a range of search engines. Hence the meaningless phrase above, I shall try searching for that exact string across a range of engines over the next few weeks. At the time of posting I cannot find any page containing this phrase.

Permanent link to this article: https://baldric.net/2009/06/28/wild-xenomanic-yiddish-zebu/


  1. Congrats, you’re now the top hit on Google for that phrase.. ;-)

    • Mick on 2009/06/29 at 8:45 pm

    Cool. That was quick. Now what about “bing”? (Errr yes, what about bing…..)

  2. Google are always quick, if you’ve got the Google Sitemap plugin installed it will ping them as soon as you post!

    As for Bing, well never really was into his music I’m afraid.. ;-)

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