Dear Amber
So,”real people” don’t care about privacy? All they really want is ease of use and a pretty GUI so that they can chat to all their friends on-line? Only “the enemy” (who is that exactly anyway?) needs encryption? Excuse me for asking, but what have you been smoking? Does the Home Office know about that?
I’m a real person. And I care deeply about privacy. I care enough to fund both my own Tor node and various openVPN servers dotted around the world just to get past your ludicrous attempts at gratuitous surveillance of my (and my family’s) routine use of the ‘net. I care about the security and privacy of my transactions with various commercial enterprises, including my bank (which is why I expect them to use TLS on their website). I care about privacy when I correspond with my Doctor and other professionals. I care about privacy when I use an on-line search engine (which, incidentally, is not Google). I care about privacy because privacy matters. I have the right to freedom of thought and expression. I have the right to discuss those thoughts with others of my choice – when I choose and how I choose. You may not like that, but it’s a fact of life. That doesn’t make me “the enemy”. Get over it.
Love and Kisses
(Note to readers: Aral Balkan has deconstructed Rudd’s ramblings. I commend the article to you.)