punctuation matters

There is a nice tweet over at @NSA_PR. It reads:

We take your privacy, seriously.

Beyond parody.

Permanent link to this article: https://baldric.net/2014/07/28/punctuation-matters/


    • Peter on 2014/07/29 at 4:15 pm

    Another one states “A lesser agency would publish your intimate photographs. You’re welcome.” – rather blatantly skipping over the fact that they should not have those photographs in the first place unless there is a suspicion of a crime. Duh.

    Whoever is running this account is not doing the NSA (or the US government) any favours :). Is this really the NSA?

    • Mick on 2014/07/29 at 4:55 pm

    No Peter. It’s a spoof – but a well done one.

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