Yesterday, Kenneth Freeman posted a note to the tor-relays list drawing attention to a new resource called TorFlow. TorFlow is a beautiful visualisation of Tor network traffic around the world. It enables you to see where traffic is concentrated (Europe) and where there is almost none (Australasia). Having the data overlaid on a world map …
Category: trivial musing
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Oct 29 2015
lancashire police fail
This is simply depressing. Today I received a classic phishing attack email – the sort I normally bin without thought. According to virustotal, the attachment, which purported to be an MS Word document called “Invoice 7500005791.doc”, was a copy of W97M/Downloader, a word macro trojan which Symantec says is a downloader for additional malware. So …
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Oct 15 2015
update to privacy policy
As promised in my privacy policy, this post draws attention to the fact that I have amended that policy (very slightly). The amendments refer to the fact that I no longer use Counterize to collect run time statistics. I prefer instead to use Awstats which runs over my log file on a weekly basis. I …
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Aug 20 2015
update to domain privacy
At the end of last month I noted that I had been receiving multiple emails to each of the proxy addresses listed for my newly registered “private” domains. Intriguingly, whilst I was receiving at least three or four such emails a week before I wrote about it, I have had precisely zero since. Probably coincidence, …
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Aug 19 2015
why privacy matters
Last month my wife and I shared a holiday with a couple of old friends. We have known this couple since before we got married, indeed, they attended our wedding. We consider them close friends and enjoy their company. One evening in a pub in Yorkshire, we got to discussing privacy, the Snowden revelations, and …
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Jul 30 2015
get your porn here
Dear Dave is at it again. Sometimes I worry about our PM’s priorities. Not content with his earlier insistence that UK ISPs must introduce “family friendly (read “porn”) filters”, our man in No 10 now wants to “see age restrictions put into place or these (i.e. “porn”) websites will face being shut down”. El Reg …
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Jul 28 2015
domain privacy?
Over the past few months or so I have bought myself a bunch of new domain names (I collect ’em….). On some of those names I have chosen the option of “domain privacy” so that the whois record for the domain in question will show limited information to the world at large. I don’t often …
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Jun 05 2015
why pay twice?
Yesterday’s Independent newspaper reports that HMG has let a contract with five companies to monitor social media such as twitter, facebook, and blogs for commentary on Goverment activity. The report says: “Under the terms of the deal five companies have been approved to keep an eye on Facebook, Twitter and blogs and provide daily reports …
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Jun 02 2015
de-encrypting trivia
Well, that didn’t last long. When I decided to force SSL as the default connection to trivia I had forgotten that it is syndicated via RSS on sites like planet alug. And of course as Brett Parker helpfully pointed out to me, self-signed certificates don’t always go down too well with RSS readers. He also …
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Jun 01 2015
encrypting trivia
In my post of 8 May I said it was now time to encrypt much, much more of my everyday activity. One big, and obvious, hole in this policy decision was the fact that the public face of this blog itself has remained unencrypted since I first created it way back in 2006. Back in …
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May 14 2015
what is wrong with this sentence?
Yesterday the new Government published a press release about the forthcoming first meeting of the new National Security Council (NSC). That meeting was due to discuss the Tory administration’s plans for a new Counter-Extremism Bill. The press release includes the following extraordinary statement which is attributed to the Prime Minister: “For too long, we have …
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May 08 2015
back on topic
Theresa May hasn’t wasted any time. The Independent reports today that Ms May (Home Secretary in the coalition administration) has said that the new Tory administration will bring the Draft Communications Data Bill, previously blocked by the Liberal Democrats, back to the House of Commons with the intention of getting it passed into law. As …
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May 08 2015
do not be ordinary
The early results of yesterday’s poll are depressing beyond belief. It looks almost certain that the Tory party will have sufficient seats to form the next government. I don’t often make party political points here (though my political leanings may sometimes be obvious) but I was reminded today of Neil Kinnock’s heart rending speech in …
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Mar 30 2015
the russians are back
About four years ago I was getting a huge volume of backscatter email to the non-existent address After a month or so it started to go quiet and eventually I got hardly any hits on that (or any other) address. A couple of weeks or so ago they came back. My logs for weeks …
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Mar 30 2015
kidnapped by aliens
An old friend of mine has expressed some concern at the lack of activity on trivia of late. In his most recent email to me he said: “You really should revive Baldric you know. Everyone will believe it if you just say you were kidnapped by aliens, and then you can just resume where you …
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Dec 24 2014
merry christmas 2014
As I have noted before, 24 December is trivia’s birthday. Since my first post dates from 24 December 2006, today is trivia’s eighth birthday. It seems like only yesterday. I haven’t posted much in the last few months. I have a lot of material I need to cover, and a backlog of articles I want …
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Dec 13 2014
solidarity with the tor project
On Thursday 11 December, Roger Dingledine of the Tor project posted the following email to the “tor-talk” mail list (to which I am subscribed). I’d like to draw your attention to One of our colleagues has been the target of a sustained campaign of harassment for the past several months. We have decided …
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Nov 27 2014
independent hit
On trying to reach the website of the Independent newspaper today (the Grauniad is trying my patience of late), I received the following response: Closing the popup takes you to this page: I haven’t checked whether this is simply a DNS redirect or an actual compromise of the Indy site, but however the graffiti was …
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Sep 26 2014
CVE-2014-6271 bash vulnerability
Guess what I found in trivia’s logs this morning? – – [25/Sep/2014:10:48:13 +0100] “GET /cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi HTTP/1.0” 404 345 “-” “() { :;}; /bin/ping -c 1” I’ll bet a lot of cgi scripts are being poked at the moment. Check your logs guys. A simple grep “:;}” access.log will tell you all you need …
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Aug 13 2014
net neutrality
My apologies that this is a few weeks late – but it still bears posting. John Oliver at HBO gave the best description of the net neutrality argument I have seen so far. Following that broadcast, the FCC servers were, rather predictably, overwhelmed by the outraged response from the trolls that Oliver set loose. Unfortunately, …
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Aug 11 2014
levison on dime
Ladar Levison and Stephen Wyatt presented the upcoming Dark Internet Mail Environment (DIME) at Defcon22 this week. According to El Reg, Levison, who shut down Lavabit, his previous mail service rather than comply with FBI demands that he divulge the private SSL certificates used to encrypt traffic on that service, said: “I’m not upset that …
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Jul 28 2014
punctuation matters
There is a nice tweet over at @NSA_PR. It reads: We take your privacy, seriously. Beyond parody.
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Jul 23 2014
department of dirty
Like most ‘net users I get my fair share of spam. Most of it gets binned automatically by my email system, but of course some still gets through so I am used to hitting the delete button on random email from .ru domains offering me the opportunity to “impress my girl tonight”. Most such phishing …
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Jul 21 2014
I get my domestic ADSL connectivity from the rather excellent people at Andrews and Arnold. Here’s why. And this is the original reason I moved to them. They also happily take (and similarly reply to) GPG encrypted support questions. Good guys. Thoroughly recommended. Now can you /really/ see BT doing any of that? ‘thought not.
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