Google’s chrome browser first appeared back in 2008, since when many commentators have sung its praises. Apparently it is “blindingly fast” (well, let’s face it firefox can be a tad slow, particularly if loaded down with a swathe of plugins) “clean”, and “simple”. Until recently I had not tried chrome (for some fairly obvious reasons) …
Category: trivial musing
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Aug 27 2010
update to autossh – or how ServerAliveInterval makes this unnecessary
I had a couple of comments on my earlier post about autossh which suggested that I should look at alternative mechanisms for keeping my ssh tunnel up. Rob in particular suggested that setting “ServerAliveInterval” should work. Oddly I had tried this in the past whilst trying out various configuration options and I swear it didn’t …
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Aug 02 2010
they are taking over the entire net
Some time ago I disabled my wp-recaptcha plugin because it had the unfortunate side effect of marking all comments as spam. I don’t have a particularly high comment rate, but the ones I do get, and which get past akismet, are usually OK. Apparently a flaw in version 2.9.6 surfaced when wp-recaptcha was used in …
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Aug 01 2010
autossh – or how to use tor through a central ssh proxy
Since I first set up a remote tor node on a VPS about this time last year, I have played about with various configurations (and used different providers) but I have now settled on using two high bandwidth servers on different networks. One (at allows 750 Gig of traffic per month, the other (a …
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Jul 25 2010
the “awesome power” of the apple brand
I have been following the unfolding tale of the faulty antenna on the new iPhone4 with some amusement. Apple’s complete inability to admit to any possibility of a mistake is hugely entertaining. Apple (or is it Jobs?) seem to be unable to contemplate the possibility of the need for a recall. Such hubris is bound …
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Jul 04 2010
there are more than 10 kinds of people in the world
A correspondent on a mailing list I subscribe to uses the .sig “There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand Vigesimal, and 9 others.” Even after checking what vigesimal was, I had to think about this for a bit because initially I thought he was wrong. If I understand correctly, I …
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Jul 04 2010
scroogle is having a problem
I posted a note about scroogle back in January. Scroogle offered an SSL interface to the google engine, and, moreover, didn’t lumber its users with google cookies and sundry other irritations. Since then, however, google themselves have started to offer an SSL interface and, coincidentally, scroogle seem to have started to have some problems. If …
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May 06 2010
this is a politics free zone
Well, I have cast my vote. Let’s hope we get the result we need.
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May 03 2010
email address images
Adding valid email addresses to web sites is almost always a bad idea these days. Automated ‘bots routinely scan web servers and harvest email addresses for sale to spammers and scammers. And in some cases, email addresses harvested from commercial web sites can be used in targetted social engineering attacks. So, posting your email address …
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May 02 2010
ubuntu 10.04 – minor, and some not so minor, irritations
If and when the teething problems in 10.04 are fixed and the distro looks stable enough to supplant my current preferred version, I will be faced with one or two usability issues. In this version, canonical have taken some design decisions which seem to have some of the fanbois frothing at the mouth. The most …
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May 02 2010
ubuntu 10.04 problems
The lastest LTS version of ubuntu (10.04, or lucid lynx according to your naming preferences) was released to an eagerly waiting public on 29 April. Long term support (LTS) versions are supported for three years on the desktop and five years on the server instead of the usual 18 months for the normal releases. My …
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Apr 18 2010
where are you
I have added a new widget to trivia – a map of the world from clustrmaps which gives a small graphic depicting where in the world the IP addresses associated with readers are supposedly located. Geo location of IP addresses is not a perfect art, but the map given corresponds roughly with what I expect …
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Mar 31 2010
webDAV in lighttpd on debian
I back up all my critical files to one of my slugs using rsync over ssh (and just because I am really cautious I back that slug up to another NAS). Most of the files I care about are the obvious photos of friends and family. I guess that most people these days will have …
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Mar 30 2010
what a user agent says about you
I get lots of odd connections to my servers – particularly to my tor relay. Mostly my firewalls bin the rubbish but my web server logs still show all sorts of junk. Occasionally I get interested (or possibly bored) enough to do more than just scan the logs and I follow up the connection traces …
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Mar 30 2010
My earlier problems with the sheevaplug all seem to have stemmed from the fact that I had installed Lenny to SDHC cards. As I mentioned in my post of 7 March, I burned through two cards before eventually giving up and trying a new installation to USB disk. This seems to have fixed the problem …
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Mar 21 2010
psp video revisited
I last posted about ripping DVDs to PSP format back in November 2007. Since then I have used a variety of different mechanisms to transcode my DVDs to the MP4 format preferred by my PSP. A couple of years ago I experimented with both winff and a command line front end to ffmpeg called handbrake. …
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Mar 15 2010
16 is so much safer than 10
I am indebted to a colleague of mine (thank you David) for drawing this to my attention. The Symantec Norton SystemWorks 2002 Professional Edition manual says: “About hexadecimal values – Wipe Info uses hexadecimal values to wipe files. This provides more security than wiping with decimal values.” I suppose octal or (worse) binary, just won’t …
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Mar 07 2010
plug instability
I’m still having a variety of problems with my sheevaplug. Not least of which is the fact that SDHC cards don’t seem to be the best choice of boot medium. I have had failures with two cards now and some searching of the various on-line fora suggests that I am not alone here. In particular, …
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Feb 28 2010
from slug to plug
Well this took rather longer than expected. I intended to write about my latest toy much earlier than this, but several things got in the way – more of which later. About three or four weeks ago I bought myself a new sheevaplug. The plug has been on sale in the US for some time, …
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Feb 26 2010
I can’t recall how I got there, but this made me laugh enough to want to share it.
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Feb 20 2010
isp shenanigans
I have recently been off-line. And I am less than happy about the reasons. My ISP recently informed me that it was changing it’s back end provider from Entanet to Vispa. Like many small ISPs, my provider does not have any real infrastructure of its own, it simply repackages services provided by a wholesaler who …
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Jan 10 2010
are you /really/ sure you want that mobile phone
The launch of the google nexus one “iPhone killer” reminds me just how prescient Dr Fun’s cartoon of 16 January 2006 (see third cartoon down from the top on the right) really was. I just love the way the google employee in the video says at the end that Verizon and Vodafone have “agreed to …
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Jan 02 2010
using scroogle
For completeness, my post below should have pointed to the scroogle search engine which purportedly allows you to search google without google being able to profile you. Neat idea if you must use google (why?) but it still fails the Hal Roberts test of what to do if the intermediate search engine is prepared to …
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